Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Brunswick Bowling Ad Campaign

Last week we shot an Ad campaign for Brunswick, a company that manufactures bowling equipment. The shoot consisted of 8 Ads along with pick up shots to be used in their catalogs and website. We photographed a total of 21 talent over the course of 4 days in two locations in the NYC vicinity. The talent ranging from 6 years of age up to 45 years of age were pulled from 5 different talent agencies all located in NYC. From the first day of planning to the last day of shooting the production went as perfectly and smoothly as all of our productions in the past. We knocked out some awesome images for Brunswick thanks to the dedication, hard work, and long hours the crew put in. 

Ira and Ed setting lights to light up the 49 lanes seen in our shot.

Ed's coy fish tattoo bringing good luck and fortune to the shoot.

The Crew: Jennifer, Elizabeth, Tom, Ira, Randi, Jennifer, and Ed.

Here is a behind the scenes look at one ad scenario. The campaign was shot with the Canon 5D Mark II tethered to a MacBook Pro 17". The client was able to see the images appear in real time as we shot through 400 - 500 images every couple of hours.