Thursday, March 5, 2009

On Location in Germany for Stryker Medical

Me and my assistant Ira along with a film crew spent a week in Germany photographing and filming for Stryker Medical. We were creating a marketing piece for one their divisions called CMF. Our job assignment was to capture environmental portraits of people ranging from plant managers, to plant workers, as well as executives and the CEO to tell a story of the individuals and how they have impacted the quality of the tools created by Stryker CMF. We traveled to two facilities, one in Stetten and one in Frieburg where we met some amazing individuals and saw the processes used to create the intricate tools used for surgeries. 
Eat your veggies Ira.

Oh, the food!

Downtown Frieburg market district

The rumor has it that if you fall into one of the old water channels that run all throughout the city of Frieburg you need to marry a local and stay there. The channels were once used for fire control. Towns men and women would fill buckets from the channels and use the water to put out home and business fires. 

The no smoking thing has not caught on in Germany yet

The Equipment

The Crew 

Below are a few of the environmental portraits taken during the weeks shoot in Germany. 

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